November 20, 2023
Welcome, this will guide you through this template and how to use it. This is a SvelteKit + MDsveX Personal website and a blog completely designed with Shadcn-Svelte , it has everything you need get started and you can fully customise it.
itβs got ton of features that you donβt wanna miss out.
Tailwind CSS for styling
Shadcn-Svelte for UI Components
Light and Dark mode
Syntax Highlighting
with toast notifications for copy feedback
individual words highlighting
def fibonacci(n):
if n <= 1: # base case
return n
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
inline syntax highlighting example: console.log("Hey there")
ability to inlcude an icon if title with an extension is provided.
```js title="example.js"
console.log("Hello from JS")
will render into
console.log("Hello from JS")
you can add icons for other languages as well
MDsveX to support markdown files so that you can write your blogs in markdown.
Custom Components
use svelte components inside markdown
Table of Contents
Giscus Comments (based on Github Discussions)
Image Optimization
Support for Nested routing of blogs
Projects Page
Support for math
Mobile friendly interface