
November 20, 2023

Getting Started

Getting Started


Welcome, this will guide you through this template and how to use it. This is a SvelteKit + MDsveX Personal website and a blog completely designed with Shadcn-Svelte , it has everything you need get started and you can fully customise it.


it’s got ton of features that you don’t wanna miss out.

  • Tailwind CSS for styling

  • Shadcn-Svelte for UI Components

  • Light and Dark mode

  • Syntax Highlighting

    • with toast notifications for copy feedback

    • individual words highlighting

      def fibonacci(n):
          if n <= 1: # base case
              return n 
      return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
    • inline syntax highlighting example: console.log("Hey there")

    • ability to inlcude an icon if title with an extension is provided.

              ```js title="example.js"
      console.log("Hello from JS")

      will render into

      javascript example.js
      console.log("Hello from JS")

      you can add icons for other languages as well

  • MDsveX to support markdown files so that you can write your blogs in markdown.

  • Custom Components

  • use svelte components inside markdown

    • example
      try changing the theme πŸ‘‰
  • Table of Contents

  • Giscus Comments (based on Github Discussions)

  • Image Optimization

  • Support for Nested routing of blogs

  • Projects Page

  • Support for math

    βˆ‡β‹…E=ρΡ0 abla cdot mathbf{E} = rac{ ho}{ arepsilon_0} βˆ‡β‹…B=0 abla cdot mathbf{B} = 0 βˆ‡Γ—E=βˆ’βˆ‚Bβˆ‚t abla imes mathbf{E} = - rac{partial mathbf{B}}{partial t} βˆ‡Γ—B=ΞΌ0(J+Ξ΅0βˆ‚Eβˆ‚t) abla imes mathbf{B} = mu_0 left(mathbf{J} + arepsilon_0 rac{partial mathbf{E}}{partial t} ight)
    • wondering what those equations are? Maxwells Equations πŸ™ƒ
  • Mobile friendly interface

Rohit Kumar | Β© 2024

Made with
