
December 5, 2023

Learning Resources

Learning Resources


During my whole learning process of various Technologies , Concepts and Frameworks. I have collected a list of resources to help me understand them better. I will be sharing those resources in this blog post.

Data Structures and Algorithms

We assume that you are proficient in any one of the coding Languages,if not we suggest you to try C++.

  1. For basics of C++ : Youtube Vedio

Now that you know a Programming language syntax, let’s deep dive into DSA.

  1. C++ Standard Template Library : Youtube Vedio Article Link

  2. Linked List : Youtube Playlist & Problems List

  3. Binary Search : Youtube Playlist & Problems List

  4. Stacks : Youtube Playlist & Problems List

  5. Heaps , Arrays , Strings & Maps : Problems List

  6. Recursion : Youtube Playlist & Problems List

  7. Trees : Youtube Playlist & Problems List

  8. Dynamic Programming : Youtube Playlsit & Problems List

  9. Graphs: Youtube Playlist & Problems List

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